Saturday, December 23, 2006


2007 is just around the bend. One of my goals was to start a blog for the New Year. It is important to have goals that seem meaningful. If you share your goals, I can provide some online coaching to help everyone achieve their New Years Resolution(s)! So... let the Blog begin!


Unknown said...

Hmmm. Seems I always have the same resolutions every year - lose weight, save money, keep in better contact with friends and family, and become more faithful in developing my spiritual life. Then, by February all good intentions have had a crash landing...Do you have some good suggestions for me?

Getting Places - Coach said...

Crash landings are devastating. Specific goals are easier to reach than the "big ones" you mentioned. Where exactly do you want to land on each of these areas? You might want to use a navigation instrument panel to help stay on course to your destination. All good landings require the help of some coaching from the air traffic controllers and the flight crew.

Would you like to start by prioritizing the four goals you have listed?

Thanks for sharing your plight - or shall we call it the flight? Let's see where we can go in 2007. Readers will be reaching goals and soaring at new heights while we are Getting Places.

jCASEWORKS said...

I had resolved NOT to make any unattainable resolutions, but here, you've challenged me. I have set several "goals" for the coming year and will list them and see what your comment might be. many have stated,to get some weight issues under control...the goal being to lose about 35# before my daughter's wedding in September '07. Attainable but will take some discipline....
#2. to continue to grow my home based business, spending much pleasurable time in my studio.
#3. to more efficiently and predictably manage my own blog site. It's hard to balance creative design and production time with maintainance of the blog. My goal being to maintain it monthly ... at least. continue to be a valuable prayer partner to several long time friends, one of whom has just accepted a position as a missionary in Malawi, South Africa. I need to be aware of needs that I can help meet for each of these special people.
Any comments would be welcome.

Getting Places - Coach said...

Jcaseworks is off to accomplish a lot in 2007! The notion of not setting out for something "unattainable" is really important. Coaching helps people take the steps they identify to reach the goal. I'll assume this list is prioritized for the purpose of the Blog. The # 1 goal is weight loss. The goal is specific, # of pounds and the length of time to reach the goal. Amazingly, there are 35 Sundays if we start counting 1/7/07 and stop on 9/2/07. What if you created a plan for a pound a week?